Zweeds/Nederlands forum

Voor Nederlanders en Zweden die elkaars taal willen spreken.
För nederländare och svenskar som vill tala varandras språk.

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#1 2012-11-05 21:52:52

Atli Hjartarson

Long term apartment / Room

Hello Everybody!

My name is Atli Hjartarson and I'm currently studying at the digital school of Hyper Island.
It's a full time program that has an internship planned into the study period.

The internship is to last for 7 months, and I'm looking for either a room or apartment for long term. I just got an internship and I need to get a living accomadation in Amsterdam as soon as possible.

Maybe you have an apartment for hire? Or if you have any suggestions on where I can look?

You can reach me on my email any time!

Kind regards


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