Woordenboek > Terms of use

Swedish-Dutch dictionary: terms of use

This online dictionary is aimed at native speakers of Dutch and Swedish. This information is mainly provided for maintainers of international websites who wish to link to these pages.

Usage of this dictionary is at your own risk. I do not accept any responsibity for the consequences of any erroneous translation.


Webmasters are welcome to create links to this site.

In addition, you may create a form on your web page that refers to this dictionary, for example by pasting this example form code into your page. My requirements:

  1. it is stated clearly that the service is provided by this website (e.g. with the website logo) and with a link to this site.
  2. the results are shown on this website, i.e. not as a frame within your web page or through a gateway.
  3. Inform me about your linking web page, such that I can notify you if this site changes in a way that requires you to adapt the link.
Alternative: form code without javascript.

Automated queries

You must not make automated queries. IP addresses that make an excessive number of requests will be blocked automatically, in order to prevent abuse.


This word collection, or a significant part thereof, may not be copied or used in other databases. Also the accompanying text pages are under my copyright.


Author and webmaster: Han-Kwang Nienhuys. Mail addres: webbmaster (at-sign) lagom (dot) nl.